*Sigh* I am enjoying a nice quiet morning at home. As much as I love the hustle and bustle of life, going out and enjoying Fall, I just as much love staying home and enjoying my home and sweet baby girl.
Yesterday we took Emersyn down to Albany. Pictures of that fun time to come! Our evening destination was Estella Joy's first birthday party. Emersyn and Estella are just two months apart. I will never forget when Jonette called me to tell me that she was pregnant, not too long after I had announced my own pregnancy! It was fun going through pregnancy and now being new mom's together. Her and her husband are the Youth/Young Adult Pastor's at our church, which are ministries that we have been/are involved with. It is fun to have another baby around, especially one so close in age to Emersyn.
Last night was so much fun; it truly is such a blessing to be surrounded by so many great families and go to the same church together. I can't wait to watch them all grow up and witness the amazing plans that the Lord has for each of their lives!

It was a costume birthday party, how perfect!!

The birthday girl. Brett took this pic, I think it is just stunning!!
Emersyn "helped" Estella open some presents!
Emersyn LOVES all stuffed animals. It is funny, we meant to dress her as a cowgirl but as the night went on, her costume resembled more of a bandit as she took off with all of Stellie's presents!!!
Left to right: Stella (in the Minnie ears), Ava, Emersyn, Sydney, Jackiya, Evan and Hudson
Isaac is seriously one of the cutest little boys!!

These boots were my only splurge for her costume. They were $20 from Target, which to me isn't the greatest deal but they seem really well made and totally complete the outfit. Plus, she can wear them into the Winter and Spring...they are a little big right now.

You know you're having a good time when you party your right pony tail right off your head!

Isaac trying to distract us with his good looks while Emersyn makes a run for it up the stairs!!

Busted! Note her skirtless/tightless legs....she decided she didn't want to put them back on once we changed her, hee hee. :)

Breaking news: these two girls are going to be FLOWER GIRLS TOGETHER next Summer!!!!
She's got legs.....she knows how to use 'em.....(cheesy 80's song reference) :)

Ahhh, home after a LONG day!!
Happy Halloween!!!
How fun! She can have costume parties every year for her birthday. Very cool!
She looks totally adorable with her ponytails and boots!!
Oh my goodness, how adorable are they ALL!?! Em's boots are wonderful. Q needs a pair, but I'm trying to wait until he's bigger so he'll get to wear them longer (as you so wisely pointed out!) - great pics!
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