Him and Emersyn are best buds. Whenever Emersyn sees him, she goes and gives him a hug, it is too sweet!
You add food coloring to the batter and even the inside of the cupcake looks like candy corn!!!
You divide your cake batter in half, adding yellow to one and orange to the other. Add the yellow batter first into the cupcake liners and then freeze the batter for about 10 minutes and then add the layer of orange and bake! Bake for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
The white frosting on the top makes it look just like a piece of candy corn!
Mommy just put the finishing touches on my Cowgirl Costume tonight....can't wait to show you all!
Happy Friday!!
She was zonked out! And note the sweet doggie that she is cuddling....a gift from her 10 year old friend, Christopher. Precious. She doesn't consistently take a morning nap but I often find that she will if given the opportunity. I miss her when she is sleeping in the mornings though because I work in the afternoons. *sigh* Someday.......
While Ems napped, I got a shower and got ready and then Miss Roxanne came over at about 11am! Roxanne watches Ems on Wednesdays ( I wrote about her last week) and often she will come over early so we can chat about her life and what's new. The best part: she doesn't mind if I multi-task while we chat!!!!!!!! It is such a win win situation!! She gets to relax and chat with me on a barstool at our kitchen island....meanwhile, I empty the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, vaccum, mop, etc. Hallelujah, what a blessing to ME she is!! I don't mind cleaning at all when I get to be distracted by wonderful conversation. It's like I go into auto-pilot mode with cleaning and just enjoy chatting and then all the sudden, my house is clean!! I am SO excited about all the amazing things that the Lord is doing in Roxanne's life. She is an amazing woman and has a heart that truly seeks God's will for her life. I know that God has big plans for her and her testimony. :)
Tonight: trying a new recipe thanks to Jennifer!! I will let you know how it goes!
Tomorrow: hopefully going to the zoo again in the morning, assuming the weather cooperates. Brett thinks that the zoo in the rain would be fun with an umbrella. I am a realist and firmly disagree with this theory. Also, some last minute shopping for her costume
Friday: taking Emersyn down to Albany to visit her great-grandparents in her costume! They both live in retirement/assisted living facilities and get a kick out of seeing Emersyn and showing her off to their friends. Last year we took our two month old little ladybug down there and let me tell you, she was a hit! :) Friday night Emersyn is attending the first birthday party of one of her BFF's, Estella.
Okay, enough rambling! Sometimes it is nice for me to write it all out and organize my thoughts that way.....makes me feel more on top of life that way! :)
Happy Wednesday everyone!!
At the lion exhibit, I asked Emersyn what a lion said and when I roared, she cracked up!
Love this pink coat on her! These pics aren't even edited but the pink is so bright and dynamic!
Admiring the "big kitty". Emersyn squealed and laughed at him/her. :)
We had such a fun time and the best part was, since we didn't pay anything to get in, we weren't pressured to stay there all day and get our money's worth. We stayed about 90 minutes and it was just the right amount of time for Emersyn and us too. :)
We can't wait for many more zoo trips to come!