It's been awhile since I participated in "Not Me" Monday.... but for some reason, this past weekend provided me with many "Not Me" moments....
*On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I dared to venture out to our "budget" grocery store, Winco. I actually had a list with me, a rare thing that really needs to happen more often. In my quest for French Fried Onions for the green bean casserole, I did NOT wander around the store for approximately 10 minutes in my quest. And while wandering, I certainly was NEVER tempted to just steal some French Fried Onions out of someones cart when they weren't looking....that would be terrible. Instead of stealing, I decided to ask a lady who had the French Fried Onions in her cart where they were and then upon finding them, I got the last one!!! And when the person behind me expressed their sadness over me taking the last French Fried Onions, I didn't have an evil grin on my face as I walked away because that same person had cut me off earlier by the cranberry sauce!!! Evil grins are not very Thanksgiving-ish!!!
While in the ice cream section, I did NOT encounter the most vile Grandma who had some choice words for the crowds in Winco. I did NOT have a horrified look on my face as she uttered pretty much every swear word in the book and when she caught me looking at her, I did NOT give her a judging glare. Grandma's, of all people, should not be walking around the grocery store swearing!! And certainly not while shopping for Thanksgiving!
In the pop section, I DIDN'T go a little overboard and proceed to buy nearly all of the Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash 2 liters that they had in stock. I certainly DON'T struggle with an addiction to this beverage and I totally DIDN'T just get up and pour myself a glass after salivating at the mere mention of this delicious drink.
Upon checking out at Winco, I for sure did NOT purposely choose the longest line just so I could read this week's People magazine while waiting.
And in the end of my trip, I did NOT have to repent and ask for forgiveness for my sinful thoughts of stealing French Fried Onions and judging Grandma's....
Okay....that's enough about my Winco shopping trip! Who knew so many "Not Me's" could occur at the grocery store.
Other "Not Me" moments this last weekend....
*On Wednesday night, I was NOT so tired that I totally screwed up my fruit salad recipe, only I didn't discover it until the next morning, which was Thanksgiving. Out of frustration, I DIDN'T just put a jacket on over my t-shirt and pajama pants, totally unshowered, and drive to Fred Meyer where I did NOT run into a friend's husband while checking out. And upon running into him, I DIDN'T sprint out the door after wishing him a Happy Thanksgiving, in hopes that he wouldn't see that I wasn't even wearing socks with my Dansko's and pajama pants; pink and orange striped pajama pants no less.
*I have NOT been wearing glasses for the last two weeks because I can totally get away with not wearing much makeup with them....
*Last week, I DIDN'T find a binky that had been missing ALL day in Emersyn's shirt at the end of the night.....what kind of mother doesn't notice a binky in her own child's shirt??! :)
*I am NOT currently in denial of the large amounts of laundry that need to be done and I am TOTALLY NOT the kind of person that just washes a load of what we need for the next couple of days and leaves the rest. I also do NOT hope and pray on every day off that my husband has that he would magically fix our laundry pile and that I will walk into our room, free and clear of any dirty laundry. What kind of wife would that make me???
*On Saturday, I did NOT pour a bunch of baby oil into Emersyn's bath thinking that you couldn't really over-moisturize a child with eczema. Upon getting Emersyn out of the bath, I DIDN'T nearly drop her several times because of her slick skin, and our bathtub water did NOT look like an oil spill had occurred. While blow drying Emersyn's hair, I did NOT keep attempting to dry what appeared to be wet hair but it was really oily. I then didn't have to put her hair in a super ugly pony tail with NO bangs because of the oil retention that her hair had absorbed; a pony tail that stood up entirely on it's own...the rubber band was almost unnecessary.
*While standing on a chair decorating my Christmas tree, I did NOT accidentally knock my daughter over while moving the chair, causing her to skin a little piece of skin on her nose and cry giant alligator tears to her mother's horror. I would never be SO passionate to finish decorating my tree that I would endanger the nose of my daughter, nope, NOT ME!
Well, those are MY "Not Me" moments.....I am sure NONE of you can relate to ANY of these!
Happy Monday!!