We started our weekend on Friday night by going to Sweet Tomatoes. Why is this significant, you ask? Because we let Emersyn have her very first ice cream cone. We have determined that ice cream is like baby crack. Seriously.

Saturday we had a reunion luncheon for “Priority”, a youth choir that Brett and I were apart of as high school students and then later as adult chaperones. It was fun seeing our former youth pastor’s and old friends for this special weekend. Both David, my brother, and I had solos for the concert that the “reunion choir” planned for Sunday morning so after the lunch, we had a quick rehearsal. It was so fun to sing on a stage again.
Saturday evening we had some friends over for a BBQ. It was fun to catch up with friends we hadn’t seen in awhile. After dinner we headed to Rood Bridge park and set up our badminton court, it was so fun!! It was a little windy which made it on the chillier side but all in all, it was a fun time had by all. We are so blessed with good friends and Emersyn has lots of honorary “Aunties” and “Uncles”.
Saturday evening we had some friends over for a BBQ. It was fun to catch up with friends we hadn’t seen in awhile. After dinner we headed to Rood Bridge park and set up our badminton court, it was so fun!! It was a little windy which made it on the chillier side but all in all, it was a fun time had by all. We are so blessed with good friends and Emersyn has lots of honorary “Aunties” and “Uncles”.

Sunday was a blast. We had the concert in the morning, then went to have lunch with Daddy at work after church. Sunday afternoon we went to visit a client, then went to dinner with some very dear friends, Troy and Therese. Therese was in our wedding and Troy co-officiated it. Their girls were bell ringers, just toddlers at the time. It was fun to catch up with them. Our good friends Trent and Pamela also came to dinner, they were the leader’s of Priority for several years. I remember going to hang out with both Therese and Pamela when they were new moms and I was still under 20. I looked up to them very much and still do.
On Monday we packed up our mini van and headed to Silverton, Oregon to the "Oregon Garden Resort". It was so nice and new, just opened this last Fall. We got a great deal with a package that included dinner and breakfast and admission to the garden. Monday was a nice day so we decided that it was time for Emersyn to go swimming. The only problem was, the pool was SOOOOO cold, definitely not heated. Daddy tried to talk Emersyn into it, Mommy too for that matter, but us girls were stubborn and refused. Emersyn looked SO cute in her swimsuit, a hand me down from our neighbors. I stopped and got this pool hat at Target on the way to the resort. Seeing her in her swimsuit made me VERY excited for Hawaii in the fall!!!!
On Monday we packed up our mini van and headed to Silverton, Oregon to the "Oregon Garden Resort". It was so nice and new, just opened this last Fall. We got a great deal with a package that included dinner and breakfast and admission to the garden. Monday was a nice day so we decided that it was time for Emersyn to go swimming. The only problem was, the pool was SOOOOO cold, definitely not heated. Daddy tried to talk Emersyn into it, Mommy too for that matter, but us girls were stubborn and refused. Emersyn looked SO cute in her swimsuit, a hand me down from our neighbors. I stopped and got this pool hat at Target on the way to the resort. Seeing her in her swimsuit made me VERY excited for Hawaii in the fall!!!!
This was our first hotel stay with Emersyn. She is quite the little traveler, but we have always stayed in a home. She did great at the hotel. We actually put the pack'n'play in the bathroom and she slept great. She even took a nap in the afternoon when we got there while Brett and I watched TV and lounged. We always bring her cd player with her lullaby cd in it and I swear, it really helps her sleep and makes her surroundings seem more familiar. She is such an adaptable baby, I feel so blessed.
Here are some pics from our fun getaway!!!
Here are some pics from our fun getaway!!!

The resort was really fun and a great deal. The rate for our room was about $130 with taxes included. The package included a $50 dinner, $20 breakfast, and $20 admission to the garden. That makes it awfully affordable to just stay the night for another $40! I hope the rates stay reasonable, this would be a fun yearly desintation, each year Emersyn will appreciate the gardens more and more.
Well, that wraps up our fun weekend! Hope everyone had an equally good time!
I loved,loved,loved the precious photo's! She is so sweet! ♥ Looks like ya'll had a great time!
Great post with Great photos. I think my favorite is the one where you took away the ice cream cone. SO funny!! We had the same reaction last night when we took away Ellie's cantelope. Is it bad that we laughed? :) Have a great day, friend!
I am glad that you guys enjoyed the Oregon Gardens. Every time that I say to someone that we went there and they should try it I get this scared feeling of "oh no what if they end up hating it and I told them to go there... YIKES".
We had fun hanging out with you guys on Sunday night... we need to again soon!
This past weekend was so fun! I've definitely rediscovered my love or badmitton! :) We had so much fun with you guys and Emers! Love you all!
i think they have froyo at sweet tomatoes, right? those little cones are perfect! the oregon garden resort looks great, what an amazing deal!
our girls are growing so fast, what a wonderful life! wow, sorry on overusing the exclamation mark ;)
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