Thursday, May 28, 2009

9 Months Old

Emersyn & Mommy 8/30/08
*Note the matching dresses* :)
Dear Emersyn,

You are NINE months old today...I can hardly believe it. Everyone asks me if you are crawling and you aren't yet...which I am okay with. Mobility scares me a little bit, although I know it is inevitable. :) We are trying to work with you more on the floor, showing you how to crawl, trying to get you to come towards us. You would rather smile and tilt your head at us though, your favorite thing to do. Whenever we go the store and people stop and say hi to you, you give them a big smile and tilt your head, causing whoever just said hi to you to melt into a pile of goo. You really are a sweetie.

Your Daddy and I look at you all the time and just thank God that you are ours and that He made you so perfect and sweet. Your little personality is really emerging, you can be kind of shy but then at other times you turn into a nut. You are really enjoying your Uncle David living with us this summer. You love to wave at him and play with him and his girlfriend, your Auntie Jenny. Auntie Jenny took care of you yesterday while Mommy was at work for a long day and you guys had so much fun. She took very good care of you and loves you very much.
You are growing up so quickly, I know Mommy says that all the time. Daddy and I go look at your every night before we go to bed and it seems like you grow just a little bit each night. You love rolling around in your crib and we often find you buried in your stuffed animals. You like to cuddle with something, just like your daddy.

You are eating a lot of different things right now. You can eat pasta, avocados, toast, crackers, cheese (string cheese is your favorite, again just like Daddy), gold fish crackers and much more. Mommy is working on expanding your menu options, it is hard! I want to make sure you are getting all the nutrition that your little body needs to grow big and strong.

Okay, I have to write this story about you because it is possibly the funniest thing you have ever done. Daddy and I will laugh about it forever. The other day we were at Biscuits, eating breakfast. We got you some toast and also gave you your standard snack these days, Cheerios. Well, you were sitting in your high chair, eating, and then all of the sudden you hunched over and cried out in pain. I knew exactly what was happening, you were going number 2. You aren't constipated at all, praise the Lord, it just seems when you go number 2 sometimes it scares you a little and you cry very temporarily. You usually reach for me and I hold you and tell you "I am here for you!!!!!" and we get through it together. But this time you didn't reach for me, you started shoving food in your face. You would be crying and stuffing your face with Cheerios and half the Cheerios would fall out but it's like you thought that tossing in some Cherrios would make it better or help you deal with the pain. I am sure this story is just not that amusing to the blog world but this is OUR blog and we can talk about whatever we want, right Ems? :) Anyways, Daddy and I were CRACKING up!!!

Your Grammy is coming to visit this Saturday and staying for a week and a half! She is soooo excited to see you and cuddle and love you to bits. We are excited for her to be here too, she is a very special and caring person. Your future husband Riley Langford is coming to town too, we are going to a birthday party for him in a couple weeks. You guys are going to have fun playing together, I am sure of it!!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, your wardrobe has expanded into the cute spring/summer clothes that we have for you. I love your chubby little arms and thighs and love putting lotion on you to protect your sweet skin. You like being outside but not when the sun is in your face. You need more bonnets!! So cute.

I love you honey. These letters only represent a tiny fraction of the love I have for you. It is so hard to put into words. Thank you for being my sweet little buddy.



Anonymous said...

Hi Patti,
What a nice letter for Emersyn to reflect on later in her life.
Love you, Emersyn and Brett

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...HappppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeBirrrrrrth day dear Emersyn,Happy Birthday to you.
We Love you!
Grammy and Grandpa too!

sister sheri said...

Okay... she is going to be soooo embarrassed when one day someone does a search on her in about 15 years... and comes across this post!

What a sweet little doll you have! Happy 9 months!