Jogging with Daddy.

Emersyn thinks it's pretty funny when Daddy runs next to her instead of behind her. :)

Don't worry, it's organic mac and cheese. I usually put peas in it too but Daddy made lunch and forgot them. Not shocking if you know Brett. :) He is not a veggie fan.

Bibs can be over rated apparently according to Daddy.

Emersyn's favorite place to drink her bottle, other then Mama's arms.

"Helping" Mommy empty the dishwasher.
Accident Update:
*Apparently our car is not totaled. Brett was less then thrilled to hear this news, he said that wrecked cars can be harder to sell for resale. The good news, we got a sweet new Toyota Sienna mini-van for a rental, thank you Progressive.
* I have been off work since the accident and am off for another two weeks at this point. Taking it one day at a time.
*Progressive gave us a check to replace our car seat. Right now she is using her infant seat, which she still can technically use but we are ordering her new Britax this evening. I can tell she doesn't like the infant seat anymore. She is a big girl now.
Random Thoughts:
*I watched an episode of "Toddlers and Tiara's" that made my blood BOIL. There was this awful mother that clearly favored one of her twins over the other and was emotionally badgering to the other twin. I cannot believe how angry this woman made me. I even made Brett just watch the parts that she was in and he couldn't believe it either? Anyone else watch this show? I normally don't but it was on and I was icing my neck.
*Emersyn has a little bit of a bug, poor thing. I took her to the dr. today, thinking she might have an ear infection but nope! We have taken her in three times for ear infections. Guess how many she has actually had? ZERO. I guess this is a good thing. The NP that saw her said she is a beautiful and happy child. My heart just bursts with happiness when I hear things like that.
*We are going through a ridiculous heat wave here in Portland. 3+ days at 100 degree temps. Yesterday I think it was 106?? That is an ungodly temp. We don't have central air but have some window units that actually work really well. However, I have been using the heat to avoid cooking completely. Chevy's, Olive Garden and Pastini's...
it was so nice getting to visit you this week.
*I had a real estate closing last week, praise the Lord! We are officially paying off Brett's car, our first paid off car! Whoo hoo!!!!!
Hope everyone had a great Thursday!!