Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- First time at Beach and First Bonfire- July 25th


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Good idea plunking her in the chair... nothing worse than sand in the diaper! ha ha!

Julieta said...

I want a monkey like Emersyn has in the last photo!
She lookes gorgeous.
Patti i'm glad you liked my comment for you in my Blog, (it's okay saying IN my blog or is it ON my blog? I always make mistakes in that :P)
I've got anotherone for you! :)
I'm going to be ausent of the net for some days, I explained it in my last post! So, take a look ;)
A lot of kisses from Argentina, for two beautiful girls in the United States ;)
Patti and Emersyn!


sister sheri said...

Patti - good thing there are digital cameras now... because you would have spent a fortune on film and developing that precious princess!