This weekend was full of fun firsts for Miss Emersyn!

FIRST picnic at the Hillsboro Library park. Pasta...yum....not very picnic-ish but it's what I made for her that afternoon.

Playing in the grass after lunch. And by playing, I really mean sitting and looking skeptical. :)

We wandered into the family story time at the library. Emersyn's FIRST story time!

"This is AWESOME Mommy!!"

After one story, Ems decided she wanted to stretch her legs a bit.

No story time is complete without refreshments!
After the library, we went home and
Emersyn took her FIRST good nap in a couple days. I took advantage of her nap and started my
summer Bible study that I am pretty excited about, Mommy's FIRST Bible study in a LONG time!
When Daddy got home, we headed to the happiest place on earth...oh wait, wrong tag line. I meant to say that we headed to a place where a kid can be a kid!

FIRST ride during FIRST visit to Chuck E. Cheese's!!!!!!!!

Having a discussion with "Bob the Builder". I think they were discussing the impact that the economy has had on the building industry. We like to think that Emersyn is a highly intelligent child. Even if she doesn't quite know how to go from standing to sitting. That will come. Maybe she should have asked Bob?

This was a darling little "ride" that basically just lifted her up in a circle, clockwise. She loved it and I know she thinks that she is such a big girl.

I am not ashamed to look like a goon to make my daughter smile.

Fearless Ems, chillin' on the "roller coaster" ride.


Riding on a "jet ski" with Daddy. I am not sure who had more fun at Chuck E. Cheese's. It might be a tie between her and Daddy. :)

FIRST mini carousel ride.

FIRST ride while caressing the cheek of a plastic mouse named Chuck.

NOT the first time Daddy has sacrificed his pride so that Mommy could capture a fun picture. What a good Daddy and husband. :)

I think she liked it!
We actually met up with a friend and his 2 year old daughter. Emersyn's FIRST playdate with Chloe. We split a package together with pizza, drinks and tokens. The pizza wasn't bad actually AND Emersyn had a really good time. There was more there for her to enjoy then I thought. If we hadn't split the package, it would have been a little to pricey in my opinion. BUT since we split it with another family, it was a perfect way to introduce the girls to the childhood dream land that is Chuck E. Cheese.
Looking forward to many many many more FIRSTS with this little lady!!