Hooray! On Wednesday, my mom and dad flew in from Minnesota for a visit! Emersyn absolutely remembers them and that really warms my heart. We talk frequently on the webcam so Emersyn knows their voices and even their faces too. My dad got here first on Wednesday and Brett's mom dropped Emersyn off at home right when I got back from work. She gave Emersyn to my dad and immediately Emersyn snuggled up and smiled. I am pretty sure my dad's heart melted into a pile of goo. :) Later that evening we picked up my mom from the airport and Emersyn was equally excited to see her as well!
It is so fun having my family stay in town. Luckily, we are blessed to have a three bedroom home so my mom and dad can stay with us. I love waking up in the mornings and have my dad be the first person to greet me, drinking coffee and reading the paper. As much as my heart aches for them to live near us, I am so blessed that they at least have the means to travel often to see us.
Wednesday night we watched Idol as a family. We usually are pretty unified in our likes and dislikes when it comes to this show but not this season! They are Scott fans, we are not. We like Matt Girard, the piano guy, they do not. Clearly we are right, they are wrong. :)
Every week during American Idol, we love to dance with Emers. She usually dances to fast songs with Mommy and to slow songs with Daddy and sometimes Mommy too. She loves music and dancing, it is too darn cute. Here she is with Daddy…

After Idol, Emers got to open a present from Grammy & Grandpa…

There were jammies inside, yay!!! Emersyn was happy just to get the bag though, it was so bright and sparkly too.
Hanging out with Uncle David and digging this empty red cup......

Emersyn pretending to be a big girl, drinking on her own. :)

Saturday we went to the beach for the day. The weather couldn’t have been worse but we braved the elements and had a really fun day!!
Daddy wore Emersyn in her Baby Bjorn carrier for the first time at the Tillamook Cheese factory, he loved it and so did she!!!!!

Here is Daddy trying to talk Emersyn into sharing his love of pepperjack cheese since Mommy doesn’t like it.

Family pic in front of the famous cows.
Grammy and Grandpa in front of cows with Ems.

Say CHEESE!! (Literally)

Uncle David and his girlfriend, Jenny.

Smiley girl. Grammy picked out her bib for the day, can you tell? :)

After Tillamook we went down to Lincoln City to the outlets where Emersyn got blessed (not spoiled!) by her Grammy and Grandpa!! After the outlets we headed to a family favorite for dinner…..MO’S!!!!!!!!!

Eating baby food at Mo’s while we chowed down on clam strips (don’t judge me) and
clam chowder…..delish.
We headed back to Portland at about 8pm and got home at 10ish. Emersyn slept the whole. ride. home. not. good. Needless to say, Saturday night was awful, if not the worse night we have ever had with Miss E. She didn’t want to go to sleep, was unusually extra hungry, etc. We didn’t get to bed until close to 2am and then missed our Sunday School class on parenting at church, which I hate doing. I couldn’t drag Emersyn out of bed that early though. We went to the later service instead and Emersyn had fun singing and clapping with Grandpa during the worship. Grammy had fun showing her off to her friends as well. I am really praying that my parents find a good church to plug into in Minnesota. Belonging to a body of believers is so important. My parents are such great people too, they have a lot to offer a church.
Looking forward to a fun filled week! I wasn’t able to take time off for their visit, I need to save up my vacation for Hawaii in September (!!!!!!!!) and Minnesota at Christmas (!!!!!!!). It is kind of a mixed blessing though because it gives my parents a chance to spend some alone time with Emersyn and bond with her.
Tomorrow we are getting Emersyn’s pictures taken in her Easter dress, I can’t wait! I am also crossing my fingers for nice(r) weather, I wanted to head down to the Tulip festival with my parents for some fun picture opportunities. We’ll see.
Happy Monday!
P.S. Keep praying for
this sweet baby. Lord, heal his heart!!!!