Thursday, November 25, 2010


Last year's Thanksgiving post came so easily to me and now this year, I struggle to find the words. I am so overwhelmingly thankful for the many blessings that this year has brought that I can't quite put it into words.

This year I am grateful for God's provision that will allow me to stay home with my daughter. I'm thankful for the calling He has on my life to bless others with my talents and abilities. I'm thankful for my incredible family. I'm thankful for my handsome husband who never ceases to amaze me with his patience with myself and our daughter. I'm thankful for the sweetest baby girl in the world whose smile can melt my heart in a split second. I'm thankful for friends that encourage me through emails, texts, Facebook messages, etc, and have supported me during this crazy time of learning to be a working mom, wife and woman in general.

I honestly haven't felt an ounce of stress regarding this Thanksgiving, even though it's at my house. When I stop and think about all I have to be thankful for, I can't help but have joy in my heart. Stress or worry over something as trivial as a dinner would be a slap in the face to the gracious God I serve.

I pray that whether you are with family or friends this Thanksgiving that you will stop and truly count all the blessings in your life. No matter what, we have a heavenly Father that loves and adores us. How could we not adore Him? *sniff sniff* I always get a little teary eyed when I think of how incredibly blessed I am.


Happy Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving friend! I'm thankful God gave me you!

Unknown said...

I am Thankful for You! Happy Thanksgiving Friend :) Love ya.

sister sheri said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What a wonderfully encouraging post! I am so thankful for you!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Lovely post!

I hope your Thanksgiving was restful and beautiful.
