Monday, November 8, 2010


A good friend of ours invited us to come to Sunriver with a group about a month ago and of course we said YES!! We had the priveledge of staying at an AMAZING vacation home that our friend's dad owns and we got a killer deal. It normall rents for $600-900/'s incredible. (Here is a link in case any Oregonians are ever looking for a large vacation home).

Brett and I drove down on Thursday night with some friends of ours and their 8 week daughter. Amazingly, both the girls were angelic on the drive down. It was fun to get to spend an extra night away....two nights just never seems long enough but three nights is just right. While we were there, we all marveled at how many of us have been friends since we were kids and now we're all married with kids of our own. This is such a fun season in our lives.

We spent the weekend mainly lounging around and we did take a nice walk on Saturday afternoon.

It was so fun to have my brother and sister-in-law with us for the weekend too!

I brought some Trader Joe organic suckers for bribery purposes a special treat on our trip!

Playing air hocket with Daddy

Ems wanted to sleep in one of the big girl bunk beds one night. I put her back in the pack and play though, I didn't want her to fall out in the middle of the night or wake up and not remember where she was.

Painting nails with Wendy. Emersyn was a flower girl in Wendy's wedding this summer.

The gang (minus Brett who was taking the picture).

Going on a walk. The weather was beautiful!!

YAY for Sunriver!!


MiMi said...

Just love your Blog!
Love you too!

Melissa said...

I love that last pic! SO cute!!!
Glad y'all had a great time! SUNRIVER just sounds like an awesome place! :)

Dara Wills said...

Love the picture of Ems with the sucker! My girls both have those jammies, too...Costco?