Monday, August 18, 2008


Just got home from my dr. appointment where my dr. agreed to induce me next week! I am so excited!!! I adore my dr. and she feels that an induction will go well but in the event that for some reason I don't progress, she isn't going to just give me a c-section, she will send me home. That is fine with me, I don't want to be cut open, believe me! But I am already dilated to a 2 and still 70% effaced so that is good. I will keep trying to trigger labor this week and next and see where were are. But I have a 95% chance of having a baby one week from this Wednesday/Thursday. The dr. is admitting me at noon and then she will probably plan on breaking my water around 6pm and I will most likely have her late that evening/early Thursday morning. Brett is absolutely giddy, it is really cute. We have a lot to do in the meantime. My mom gave me what I think is my favorite present ever: she is having my house cleaned the day before the baby is coming. I am sure all pregnant (and non-pregnant for that fact) women can agree, having someone scrub your floors is a BLESSING. Not that I don't enjoy cleaning, it's just the whole 9 months pregnant thing that makes it less enjoyable. :)

My mom comes in the night of the 26th and then we are getting manicures and pedicures the morning of the 27th and then heading to the hospital at noon. I will have freshly painted nails for my little girls arrival, which is important!!!

I am officially on maternity leave now and looking forward to preparing this week. I am in such a state of shock right now, it is very surreal. My parents are moving today so I will be headed over to their house this afternoon to say "see ya next week!". My dad won't get to be here for the birth but that is okay, he will get to spend a lot of quality time with her when he comes back next weekend after she is born.

I'll keep you posted..... :) :) :)


Unknown said...

soooooo exciting!!! Congrats, and oooh I hope everything goes perfectly!! Can't wait to hear the news! :)

Tiffany Ochsner said...

wow! that's very cool! nice to know when it is and plan around it :) good luck! congrats!