One thing I have learned in life is that it truly *takes a village* when it comes to raising kids. So, in honor of one of my top two love languages, I've decided to write out some words of affirmations for some of the mama's that I know read my blog. I'm so inspired and challenged by each of them in different ways.
Tiffany: How fun to have kids close in age with your BFF? Though she doesn't live nearby, I still feel so connected to her and her kiddos. I'm borderline obsessed with the little girl she's going to be having in September. You know what they say, end of Summer babies are the coolest. That's why I had two of them. (Okay, so maybe nobody really says this...but they should!). Tiffany is a great mom to her two little boys. She's always made it look effortless too. Her oldest has had stomach issues and she's been an amazing advocate for him, always looking outside the box for solutions. She is now making gluten free meals for him and oftentimes for their whole family and it's helped Riley tremendously. I admire her dedication to doing whatever it takes to keep her family healthy. As I was doing Emersyn's hair this morning, I was SO excited for my BFF to have a little girl of her own to pamper.
Emersyn and Riley, Tiffany's oldest son.
Rachelle: I knew Rachelle was going to be a wonderful mother long before she ever got pregnant. I admired her strength and positive attitude going into her c-section once they determined that sweet stubborn Sophia Rose wasn't going to be turning. Some women would have felt sorry for themselves but Rachelle decided to have a good attitude as as a result, she had a great experience. She has been therapeutic for me in letting me pass down Emersyn's clothes to a loving home where they are worn and fully appreciated for their cuteness. She has agreed to let our son marry her daughter so that's one less thing I have to worry about as Everett grows up. She has influenced me with her crafty ways and helped me make Everett's nursery into a custom, hand crafted little boy's room and I love all our *rustic* sewing creations. I'm so proud of how she's balanced serving in ministry, working and being a mama.
Emersyn and Sophia
Caitlin: Caitlin is like a sister{wife} to me. ;) We met in our birthing class and I am so so thankful we did. She is an incredible mom to Emery May and together we are learning to raise these dramatic, whiny, precious, beautiful girls. Our girls fight like sisters but recently that seems to be getting better. Caitlin inspires me to be a better mama every time I am with her. She is so patient and loving and has never judged me or my kids, despite Emersyn taking a swing at her daughter her now and then. I can talk to her about anything and she totally gets me. She has gone through a couple really crappy situations since we've become friends and she has amazing strength. She's never one to feel sorry for herself and always sees the positive in every situation, even when they stink. Caitlin is the mom that you see at the fountain with fifteen containers of fresh cut fruits and vegetables. And after nearly 4 years of friendship, she can always count on me NOT being prepared and so she always brings enough for Ems too.

Caitlin and our kiddos
Vanessa: I always like to think that Vanessa is the cooler, better looking version of my self. (She's probably so sick of hearing that, ha!) Her sense of humor is unparalleled and every time I hang out with her (which is not NEARLY enough), I always laugh and feel refreshed. She is an amazing mother to Audrey Jo. Having been a single mother since Audrey was 14 months (or so), she has created an incredible life for the two of them. She is a hard worker and throws parties like nobody's business. Audrey is a sassy little fashionista, truly her mama's mini me. Her always perfectly polished phalanges (her words not mine...see, she's so clever) inspire me and now I too am addicted to colorful fingertips. I admire her transparency in life and am believing with her for good things to happen. I also am praying that she find a tall, rich, handsome husband (the rich part is negotiable...tall and handsome are required however) soon so that they can have a destination wedding and that I can be a bridesmaid. ;)
Audrey and Everett
Sarah: I'm not positive that Sarah reads my blog anymore due to her lack of time in life but she deserves a tribute nonetheless. She too has been on the road of overcoming some seriously crappy life issues. But nonetheless, her faith in the Lord triumphs and as a result, she's been an amazing single mama to her two kids who are the same ages as mine. She is a marathon runner and one of those moms who casually posts on FB "ran 18 miles today". She is amazing. My relationship with her has deepened over the past three years that we've had kids together and even more so this past year as devastation overtook her family. Despite all that she has going on in her life, she always takes the time to shoot me encouraging texts and is a big cheerleader for me as I'm in a season of getting healthy. Sarah is one of my heros in life and someday her children are going to be amazed and the incredible woman that raised them.
Sarah and my kiddo's in Central Oregon, Fall of 2011
Melissa: I have known Melissa for a long time. We got married the same year, waaaay back when. :) I have actually gotten to know her better in the past five years since she had her first child and started a blog. Oh the magic of the blog world in getting to know someone better who lives less then a mile from you. :) She has a crazy busy life, much like myself, except she's raising a 5 year old girl and 3 year old twin boys. Her kids and her business keep her on her toes and I wish that our paths collided more. She's super creative and has successfully started and maintained a party business. She's always so sweet and supportive via FB comments and just a positive, upbeat person.
Dara: I met Dara via Melissa's blog. They have been besties forever. Anyways, I figured that since Melissa is cool, Dara probably would be too so naturally I started blog stalking her checked out her blog and became a frequent reader! She too lives nearby but our paths don't collide much. We've had a few playdates and enjoyed them a lot. Though I detest her love for our pathetic cold and rainy Oregon weather as of late, she is still a great mama to her two girls. Her blog posts make me smile and she is such a sweet generous person. She got Everett his first Oregon Ducks gear and provided a meal for my family when he was born.
Kristi: I've known Kristi since elementary school. We grew up in church together and it's been fun watching her become such a great mom to her two kiddos. Her son is almost exactly a year older then Emersyn. She has a blog too which always gives a good glimpse into what daily life is like. She has a baby bow and headband business
(Bebe Boutique) that has been very successful and I'm happy that she's making some extra money doing something she loves. She has been a big encouragement to me through my pregnancies and also in transitioning from one to two kids. When Everett was born I had remarked that I had no idea it would be SO hard and she so wisely said that it will never get easier but it will get better. And she was right!
Okay, these are just a few of the mama's that I wanted to give *shout outs* to. There are many more in my life (including my own of course...more on that tomorrow) and I'm so thankful for each and every one of them! I pray that as we and all of our kids grow up that we never lose our sense of community and continue to encourage each other to be the women and moms that God has called us to be.