Happy Happy Thursday!
It's that super fun time again to post 5 things that have made you feel..
1) I got to meet this precious little bundle of joy on Wednesday.

Charlotte Joy
I met Charlotte's parents at our birth class when I was pregnant with Emersyn. They have the CUTEST little guy, Rowen. Him and Ems are buds and about a month and a half apart. While holding Charlotte I am pretty sure Brianne (her mama) could hear my uterus aching because she asked if looking at the baby gave me an itch. I started talking about how crazy it is to think that if I got pregnant now it wouldn't be like that unheard of, meanwhile a friend of hers was in the room that was super prego with her second child and was holding her 10 month old baby. I totally felt like I stuck my foot in my mouth (something I do often) because I wasn't meaning to imply that having babies close together is wrong or crazy, just for ME it would be crazy and it's hard to believe that if I got pregnant now, my kids would be at least two years apart. Whew. Had to get that off my chest, could you tell I lost sleep over this last night?? :) Anyways, I hope that Brianne and her friend can forgive me for sounding like an idiot.
But back to the baby....she is the smallest baby I have ever held, by several pounds. She was a little under 5lbs on Wednesday and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked like a real life doll. I am so happy for the Happel family and can't wait to get to know sweet Charlotte. :)
2) I had a great time at book club on Monday night discussing "Strong Women, Soft Hearts". Some of those thoughts shall be written soon on another post. :)
3) Emersyn has been saying "I love you" when I leave her to go to work without me asking her to. My heart MELTS every time she says it.
4) I got a massage this morning (thank you auto insurance) and I actually woke myself up snoring, LOL!! You know a massage is good if you pass out.
5) Emersyn and I have been having dance parties to Carrie Underwood's "Undo It". We dance our heart out, clap, raise the roof, twirl, you know...all the essential cool dance moves. I love my daughter and love that she is every bit the little nut that I knew she would be.
Happy Thursday! Tomorrow it is supposed to be *gasp* sunny!! We are going to the zoo with Stella and her parents. Gotta love a BFF playdate for Emersyn. She is a lucky girl. :) I can't wait to see MY BFF in July!!!!!!!!

Charlotte Joy is precious..she totally gives me the "itch" although a fleeting "itch"..:-)
Hey if you have another baby and it's a girl..you could name her Edyn Rose..;-) Only kidding, but wouldn't that be funny though?
I LOVE it when Edyn says I love you..it's the best ever!
Happy Friday Patti!
i love that baby! she is beautiful! & i love the name charlotte!
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