Monday, June 18, 2012

Who needs money to have fun? ;)

On Friday afternoon I got an email from our good friends, asking if we wanted to do dinner and then let out kids play. Normally I'm not good at being very spontaneous due to having plans a lot of the time, but Friday evening was free and clear and so I said YES, let's do it! However, since the ol' budget has gotten rather slim, I suggested we do a picnic at the park instead. I made our dinner (can't go wrong with PB&J) and spent zero dollars! At the park we let our kids play until their hearts contentment and again, spent zero dollars. I'm so thankful to live in a city that invests in beautiful parks for families to enjoy.

 Sophia, Everett's future betrothed and Ems future bestie sister-in-law.
Normally Ems is not very brave when it comes to fountains but she's getting there. 

Such a fun night with friends! I loved getting to chat with Rachelle while our husbands spent quality time with our children. I'm looking forward to many more of these nights to come this summer!

1 comment:

MiMi said...

Such cute pictures of all the kids!
Sophia is getting so tall and is so cute! So now
you have both Kids set up for life with their marriage partners! How sweet!