{1} My husband has this strange ability to blow dry Emersyn's hair and make it look STUNNING. Seriously, he doesn't even know how he does it and he didn't discover it on purpose, it was out of necessity once when he had to get her ready for something and dry her hair. I need to watch how he does it. Her hair turns out so smooth and straight; it's hard to describe how it's different from when I do it but it's amazing.
{2} I am officially obsessed with Pita Pit again. It's a good thing for my budget that they don't have a drive though.
{3} I scored some killer deals this weekend at the outlets for Ems. Got her $60 UGG style Bass leather boots for $9.99. Bought her two pairs and got a $5 off coupon so two pairs of boots regularly $120 I got for $14.98. I also left my phone at the store which I later discovered when I was at another store so that would have been a serious buzz kill after my good deals but thankfully it was on the counter right where I had left it. NOT fun thinking it was gone though, Ems and I prayed in the fitting room at Carters while Brett ran back to the store.
{4} I am ready to tackle this week head on. I have about a million things to do before we leave in ONE week and my to-do list seems to just be growing versus shrinking. But doing something every day WILL lead to accomplishment. We have a house sitter that stays at our place while we're gone and this FORCES us to leave the house clean, rather then in a state of disaster like we have in the past. It's super depressing coming home from paradise to a mess. Once I had the house professionally cleaned the day before we went to Hawaii. But, back then I was working. Now, I am my own house cleaner. :)
{5} If you saw how dirty my microwave was before Brett deep cleaned it on Saturday, you might have ended our friendship. It was SICK. Brett cleaned it sparkly clean (without being asked I might add) and I totally swooned and let him play his PS3 NBA game for hours guilt free afterwards. It was a win win situation for us both.
{6} Every day I eat my lunch and watch a "Friends" rerun that is on my DVR. I have it set up to record "Friends" every day. It's like a guilty pleasure but it's my oasis of sanity amidst a crazy toddler raising day. I make my lunch the minute Ems goes down for a nap and totally enjoy my tv/lunch time.
{7} Emersyn slept in until NINE FORTY FIVE on Saturday. Could she have picked a better day to sleep in!?!?! Brett and I were ecstatic, the extra sleep felt so good. We had a late night on Friday but that doesn't always mean she will sleep in, it usually means she will take a longer nap. It was glorious. On Sunday she slept in until 8:45 which again is awesome but it meant that we had to scramble to get to church on time, which we did! Part of the reason was because Brett got Ems completely ready from bath to hair and, as mentioned in item number one, her hair was fabulous.
{8} Me: Emersyn, I love you sooooo much. E: I love you too. Me: No, I love you more! E: I know.
{9} Me: Emersyn, how on earth did you get so cute?? E: Hmm...I don't know.......wanna go to Target?
{10} Happy Monday, ya'all. :) I just like saying ya'all even though I would never actually say it, just write it.