Dear Everett,
I cannot believe you are TWO months old already!! You are the sweetest baby boy and I stare at you every day in amazement. You are such a blessing to your mommy, daddy and big sister.

You are a very expressive little boy. You are most often scowling and frowning and I think it's hilarious. Your sister was the same way. You often look as though you are carefully scrutinizing the situation you are in. It's so stinkin' cute!!
This is you and I with our friends Miss Jonette and Emma. Emma is only 6 days older then you are! You are destined to be buddies. We took this picture at Miss Jonette's birthday party. For only being two months old, you have been to your fair share of celebrations already. :)

I love wearing you in the Moby wrap! It is so fun to be able to snuggle with you and walk around hands free. This picture was taken at our first (of three) pumpkin patch trips. You are too little to really have fun at the pumpkin patch but next year you will love looking at the animals and maybe even get to go on the cow train with Emersyn!
During your second month of life we celebrated your daddy's 31st birthday! We made him a special dinner and you were such a good boy by napping and letting me make my very first cheesecake for him!

Emersyn LOVES snuggling with you. She asks to hold you all the time and I've caught her grabbing you and rolling over with you. I'm not sure this is the safest activity but it's making you a tough boy I'm sure. She just adores you and is so good with you. Oftentimes if you are getting fussy she will give you a binky, sing to you, say "it's okay schweety pie" and rock you in the swing if it's turned off. You are so lucky to have a sister that loves you so much. I pray that you grow into being the best of buddies!

You had your first trip to the Apple Farm with your buddy Grace who is 4 months older then you, your sister and her two buddies.

You wore your first button up and sweater vest. This will be the first of many occurrences. You looked SO handsome!!!! (You did wear pants for the record, I just took this picture after I had changed your diaper and thought your chubby thighs deserved a picture!) :)

Emersyn decided to share one of her babies with you and put the blanket on you both one afternoon.

I could just eat your cheeks!!!!!

Mommy had a meeting that I couldn't take you to last week so you had your first bottle! You've had several bottles now and you do great! Emersyn wanted to give you a bottle one night so we let her. She just loved feeding her brother!

I feel like this picture should win some sort of award. The expression on your face is hilarious to me. We took this picture at Starbucks on the way to church on your two month birthday. You looked so handsome in your fall shirt that I bought for you a couple weeks ago.
Your stats:
*Still not sure of how much you weigh. I'll find out in a couple weeks at your doctor appointment. It's safe to say you are growing well though. :)
*You are wearing a size 2 diaper now but it's on the bigger side. You pee a lot so I decided to upgrade the diaper size to contain it better.
*I need to go through your clothes and start cycling in the 6 months sized things. You can still wear 3 months but the jammies are getting snug length wise. You are a tall boy!
*You love taking baths and the sound of the water is soothing to you.
*You eat about every two hours but if you're in your car seat you can go longer. This is great for when we run errands when Emersyn is in preschool.
I love you so so very much sweetheart!!!
Love, Mama