Everett chillin' on his first flight!
This past weekend we had a wonderful time in Sacramento visiting with family. It was so much fun to introduce Everett to everyone and seeing Emersyn interact.

Can't beat playing in the sunshine in your jammies first thing in the morning!
There's lots of family for us to see in Sacramento since my dad's entire side of the family lives there. We got to see my favorite cousin and her two kids. I remember when she came to visit my family when she had just had her son Jordan. I think he was 3 or 4 weeks old at the time. Now he's a senior in high school and almost 18. Wow. Joslyn, her daughter, is a freshman and Ems just loved playing with her. She's great with kids.
We took pictures with my cousins outside of "The Fountain's" in Roseville. I kid you not, I felt seriously under dressed. There were women there that could have stepped out of the Real Housewives series....shopping on a Sunday afternoon with their kids and stilettos, skin tight jeans and diamond rings the size of golf balls. It was a cultural experience for us Oregonians. ;)

Ems looked pretty fab in her jean skirt and fake Uggs. :) We were SO grateful for the warm weather! When we arrived in Sacramento we had In'N'Out for lunch and ate outside!!!! We were in heaven!

Last winter before I announced that I was pregnant my Auntie Marti totally saw this baby boy golf outfit and thought she needed to get it for me. She brushed the thought aside and then a week later, I called to tell her I was pregnant and sure enough, it was a boy. Isn't this golf outfit adorable???

Emersyn was a little camera shy. Hard to imagine, right?

One of the highlights of the entire trip was watching Brett wear my sweater wrap out of frozen desperation. He only wore a tshirt, not thinking of how much colder it is in San Fran versus inland. It was HILARIOUS watching him put it on. It didn't look near as funny when he had Everett on the front of him but without the Baby Bjorn it was ridiculous looking, ha ha.
The kids fell asleep right as we crossed the Golden Gate bridge so we got to drive around the crazy San Francisco metropolitan area and see the sights.

The kids across the street from the "Full House" houses. We froze our hineys off played at the park across the street from these houses!
My kiddos got spoiled by my aunts and uncle, just like I used to be when I was a kid! So sweet and so fun.

This was a cute town that my dad used to go to when he was a kid. It's kind of like Enchanted Forest in Oregon, only flat and was cuter.

I found an E for Emersyn!

Emersyn and Everett with Uncle John and Auntie Marti, our gracious hosts for the week.
Our last activity before we left on Wednesday was taking a little tour of houses that my family has lived in. I saw a house that my great great grandma lived in, saw the house my grandma was born in, the house my dad was born in....all within a pretty close vicinity of each other! It was so special seeing those houses.
We got a crazy good deal on airfare this past Thanksgiving weekend...we're going to try to make that an annual tradition. So thankful for loving family to spend time with and enjoy sharing my kiddos with. We miss you all already!!!!

I love these pictures! Glad y'all had a great time!
love the pictures. sounds like such a fun trip. and i totally laughed about the flat comment regarding enchanted forest. so true.
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