Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I don't feel good and want to be home in bed. I took yesterday off but am working today. Ugh.
Hoping to return back to health QUICKLY!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
21 weeks!
This is the crib:

Right now, the bedding is backordered. I am praying that it comes in soon, I am so in love with this pattern, I just hope it all works out okay! I think we are going to paint her room a green color and do lots of pink accents. I love pink!! I like the lighter and the more bright pink birds on the quilt too.
Have a good weekend!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Voila! The finished product!! And don't worry, that isn't chocolate on the booscotti, it is melted carob chips which look like chocolate but are 100% healthy for dogs.

Look at her sweet face. We made her get up on the counter so she could pose by her treats. Her face is the "Can I have some pretty please?!?!" face. She is such a sweet girl.
We put these down so we could get a picture of her with them. We told her to "leave it" which is the command to obviously leave it. She does this trick for toys, just about anything. But if it is something that she loves, she can't even stand to look at it. It is really funny actually.
I am officially a crazy dog person, posting pics of her, baking for her. But she loved the treats and they were homemade which made me feel especially domestic. Plus, we kept them in a baggie for her (which I don't recommend, they got kind of soggy in a couple days) and she LOVED them. We can always tell how much she loves things based on how fast she will do her tricks for them.
Here is the recipe if you are interested:
2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 pinches ground cinnamon
1 cup chunky peanut butter
1 cup milk
1 cup carob chips
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
In a large bowl, combine that flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Place the peanut butter in a medium bowl and microwave at high power to soften, 5 to 10 seconds. Whisk in the milk, then stir the mixture into the dry ingredients.
Shape the dough into a long, flattened log and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes; remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Slice the log crosswise on an angle into 1-inch-thick pieces. Set the slices on their sides (they should look like biscotti) and bake until crisp, 10 to 12 minutes more. Transfer to a rack to cool.
Melt the carob in a microwave or on the stovetop over low heat. Thin the melted carob with 1 tablespoon water, if needed. Using a spoon, drizzle the melted carob over the biscuits. Let cool completely. Store in an airtight container.
Your dog will thank you!!! :)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
20 Weeks!
Again, according to babycenter.com, Emersyn is the length of a banana. How cute. I haven't really felt her much, which is kind of disappointing but the ultrasound tech said that I have an anterior placenta, which makes it so that it is going to be harder to feel her through the various layers. No worries though, just as long as she is happy and healthy in there. I know once she starts kicking me in the ribs and bladder, I will wonder why I was ever excited to feel her kick. :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Welcome Sanjana
Sanjana Georgette, 7lbs 3 oz.
Congrats Amancia! Our babies will be friends forever!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Weekend Highlights
Thursday night we went to a huge rummage/consigment sale in Hillsboro that I got to shop at "early" because I am an expectant mother. Now, I didn't have high hopes. I am kind of picky about used items, I am not too good for them, I just want them to be in good shape. There were SOOOO many good things at this sale!!! I can't wait for it to come back in the Fall when she is born, then I will have a better idea of what we need. There were tons of brand new toys, barely used breastpumps, etc. We got Emersyn two pairs of adorable jeans, one still has the tags on and everything. We also got her 4 pairs of darling shoes, including her first pair of Nikes. All the shoes are in brand new condition. So 2 pairs of jeans and 4 pairs of shoes totalled up to be.....$20!!!! I was SO happy!!
Friday we went to OMSI in the morning, courtesy of free passes that my work provides (score). We went primarily to look at the baby exhibit that has actual embryo's and fetus's that have been preserved after they died of natural causes. It was incredible to see how big Emersyn is inside of me. As the babies got older in the exhibit, they too were incredible but sad to me because they were real, once living babies that didn't make it. I know everything happens for a reason though. Anyways, after OMSI we went to Babies'R'Us to register which was fun/tiring! Friday night we had some good friends over for dinner and grilled burgers marinated in Yoshidas, grilled pineapple, potato salad, and corn on the cob. It was a delicious dinner, so delicious in fact that we had that dinner literally for the entire weekend due to leftovers. We had my parents and brother over on Saturday night to help us eat leftovers too. That is one great thing about shopping at Costco. You have LOTS of leftovers.
Saturday during the day I got a pre-natal massage with my friend Amancia, who is being induced TONIGHT! It was our last day out before her little girl arrives. I also got a manicure. It was a pampering day, for sure.
Sunday afternoon I washed my car inside and out. Well, the carwash washed the outside, but I vacuumed out the inside and wiped it down. It looks brand new! I also got the house cleaned up and did some laundry. It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon. I hate that Brett has to work the weekends but it is temporary and allows for me to get things done too.
This week I am looking forward to entering my 20th week of pregnancy!! Also, visiting my friend and her baby girl tomorrow night. This is sure to be a great week!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Lesson of the day
Poor Brett.
Must get more sleep tonight, that is for sure!!!
Happy Thursday anyways! I am 19 weeks pregnant, almost 5 months. I can't even believe it.....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
New Blog!
Such a darling little profile.

Teeny tiny toes!!!!
Mommy & Daddy on the way to find out our baby's gender!!!
We will be sure and keep you posted on all the fun things associated with expecting this baby. Pray for her health and that she grows to be a happy and blessed little girl.