Friday, March 22, 2013

Emersyn - 4 1/2 Years Old!

Dear Emersyn,

I miss writing you letters on this blog and keeping it updated with all the fun we have! I was so much better about that when you were a baby and when I was working. But now, our days are filled with activities that leave little time for blogging. However, today as you are napping, I had the overwhelming desire to write you a little letter.

You are 4 1/2 years old and I can hardly believe it. I've never been very tearful at the thought of you growing up...each birthday is huge celebration and I'm just so grateful that you are healthy and strong. Yet, as your 5th birthday approaches I can hardly believe it! 5 seems like such a big longer a toddler at all but a little girl. Whenever we snuggle I can't believe how big you are. You are all arms and legs and are such a tall and pretty girl.

Today at school you had an Easter party. You weren't feeling great, woke up with an earache which I suspected might happen. (You had an ear infection this week but weren't in pain so we weren't treating you with meds yet....I got the prescription filled this morning though and you should be well on your way to feeling better). You really really wanted to go to the party though so I said it was okay. At the Easter party there was an egg hunt and as your classmates scurried around you, you patiently looked for eggs. When everyone had found their allotted 7 eggs, you were the last one with only 4 eggs in your basket, looking for the others. You don't seem to have a competitive bone in your body.....I'm not sure my dreams of being a soccer mom are going to be fulfilled through you. Maybe your brother. :) I came and helped you find the remaining eggs and then we went on our way. This simple little activity touched my heart though. You are such a patient and loving girl and while many of your classmates were shoving each other out of the way to get to the next egg, I know you would have been happy to find one and sit down to enjoy it. God has given you a special spirit of compassion and tenderness and as your mama, I will lay down my life in order to help make you into the woman that He wants you to be someday. I was so proud of how you didn't throw a fit or get frustrated when everyone found the eggs before you.

Sister, you remind me so much of myself it's a little scary. You are the best of me and the worst of me and I find myself calling on Jesus daily to help me make it through all the whining and craziness that having a 4 year old and a one year old brings. I'm so so proud of the girl that you are becoming. You love singing songs and making up songs about God. You love reading and turn pretty much any story into a bible one. You love playing with your baby dolls and are such a nurturing mother to them. Your favorite baby doll is hair baby and I just learned yesterday that hair baby now has a sister named Lisa. I have no idea why her name is Lisa but you were proud to introduce me to her.

Your favorite thing in the world is family time. Last night we sat on the couch with Margo, Everett and Daddy which was a rare moment. Everett doesn't sit much anywhere! Anyways, as we sat there I looked over at you and with the biggest grin you said, "my whole family is on the couch....I love it!!". You love going on family dates and you made up a line to "the wheels on the bus" to say "the family on the bus has family time!". It's so cute.

A few weeks ago we decided to surprise you and take you on a date to the Spaghetti Factory, your choice. We left Everett with Nana and Papa and treated you for the night and you just loved it. Best of all, we loved it too! We enjoy you so much and have so much fun chatting with you and loving on you.

There are so many things that I love about you and I need to take more time to write them down. You are such a loving big sister and now a great friend to Margo too. You are very responsible and capable of watching Everett for me when I need to run upstairs. You guys love playing in your room now which works out awesome for me when I want to clean up downstairs real quick.

I love you Emersyn Grace....I'm so proud of the sweet girl you have become!!!

All my love,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful post Patti. I cannot believe she is almost 5. She reminds me of Maddie (in regards to the Easter Hunt). Ash and J would have been crying at that age and too shy to go after the eggs :). What a sweet spirit she has. ~S