Friday, April 15, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

I'm so grateful for blog hops on days when I am spacing out on what to write!!

1. My favorite daily responsibility is, taking care of my sweet toddler.

2. My least favorite daily responsibility is, Hmm....I hate trying to think of what to make for dinner!!! The weeks when I have menus planned are always so much easier. I am not a fan of laundry either.

3. My favorite cuisine to eat when going out is cheap and fast, is that a cuisine? We love Chipotle and Baja Fresh because we can split larger items there and eat dinner for less then $10.

4. My favorite cuisine to prepare at home is Mexican! I make pretty good enchiladas and chimichangas. Brett's favorite cuisine to eat is Mexican too.

5. Andy Warhol said that everyone is famous for 15 minutes. My claim to fame is funny you should ask this question. I was just thinking this week that I am not amazing at anything. I am an okay cook, okay singer, okay etc....but I wouldn't say I have a *claim to fame*. Whah whah.

6. If I could have 3 wishes I would wish well, of course I would wish for more wishes. :) But for the fun of it, let's assume that you can only have three. In that case I would wish for ten million dollars so that Brett and I could open a coffee shop or something fun like that with no pressures of actually being profitable; I would wish for health and long lives for myself, my children and family...and friends, geez, that's a big one; and on a more superficial level, I'm wishing that Ems would just potty train herself overnight. And learn how to do laundry, why not?

7. My biggest pet peeve is Negative, pessimistic people drive me crazy. You know, the Debbie Downer's of the world.


Unknown said...

Okay. Your claim to fame..and I am being totally honest your ability to dress classy and stylish at all times (I'm serious) and your decorating abilities. Those are the two things that I admired when I met you (and still do). ~S

Tiffany said...

Ok girl, you totally have an official claim to fame! You've been on at least 2 CD recordings that I know of. That totally counts! And I would have to agree with Sherrie too - you have great style all around!

Melissa said...

HAHA! You crack me up! "And learn to do laundry too, why not?!" :) :)

Can you come visit & teach me to cook mexican??? That's my favorite cuisine but the only thing i don't really know how to cook at home!

sister sheri said...

I've never heard of Debbie Downers... but I agree... they are definitely a peeve of mine!