**Thank you to all my sweet friends that commented on my non-crafty post below! It was reassuring to know that I am not the only one that struggles in this area!!! We should form an "I want to be crafty but don't know how" support group!!**
Good morning!! I am up bright and early today, or early for me at least. I got up at 7:45 simply because I wanted to!!! Strange!! I seriously think that part of the appeal was that I have a busy day ahead of me and that my downstairs is nice and clean. It is so nice to come down the stairs to a clean house, don't you think? We really need to clean up more often before we go to bed. We are having my brother and his fiance over for dinner tonight so I needed to have the place clean. I enjoy late night cleaning (unfortunately). We love the NBC line up on Thursday nights (Community, Parks & Rec, Office, & 30 Rock) so after we watched each show, I would set a timer and we would do a 10 minute power cleaning session. It worked! Plus, cleaning burns calories so that is just another incentive to do it!
Anyways, I am up and at 'em and it feels like this is bonus time, time I would have normally been asleep but instead I have eaten breakfast, weighed in for our weekly stat tracking (down 2 1/2 pounds, yay!), and am drinking coffee, blogging my little heart out.
Want to hear about maybe the second most traumatizing moment for me as a mother that occurred yesterday evening? (I would say the first traumatizing thing was coming home to my daughters bloody mouth when she hit it on her crib while my brother was babysitting this summer)
Last night Brett and I realllllly wanted to go on a gym date. My work subsidizes my gym membership so it is really easy to NOT utilize it because it isn't something I technically pay for. However, in a quest to lose weight and get healthy, a gym can be a good place to do that! I called Bally's and asked about their "Kids Club". They described it, assured me that all their workers were great and went through a criminal background, said that they don't change diapers, etc. AND it is only $3/2 hrs!
So last night we took Emersyn to the gym with us. I was NOT impressed with the Kids Club at ALL. There were hardly any toys and it was so bleak. However, Emersyn spotted a baby doll immediately so she was a happy camper. I was annoyed that their check in process wasn't more thorough. They were "out" of the wristbands that they normally use to match you with your child and I was extremely irate about that. I asked the worker how she knows that I am the only one allowed to take Emersyn home and she said I would have to trust her. Ugh. Anyways, we decided to leave her and just check in on her often.
We went and worked out for almost an hour, checking on Emersyn 3 or 4 times and she was fine for all of them. I still just didn't have a good feeling about this daycare place and was pretty sure I wouldn't be taking her back.
When we went to go pick her up, she was sitting on the workers lap with another little girl and Emersyn had this scared look on her face, one I have never seen before. She saw Brett and I walk in and ran to us, sobbing hysterically. I asked the worker what happened and she said that Emersyn had "just started crying" because another little girl was crying too. When I picked Emersyn up she was hysterical. We calmed her down a little bit and left the room and walked outside. Emersyn stopped crying but she was doing those hiccup type gasps that you do when you have been crying for a REALLY long time and I have NEVER seen her cry like that or be that worked up. Usually when something upsets her, she gets over it quickly and doesn't have those lingering cries. Brett went to go get the car and Emersyn was just whimpering and still crying at times and I told her that I promised to NEVER take her there again. That made her cry. I asked if she wanted some ice cream when we got home (naughty I know, I was desperate to make her happy!!!!) and she whimpered. I could feel my heart breaking inside my chest.
I have never seen her that upset or distraught and it makes me mad at Bally's Kid Klub. I know that they may have had good intentions with keeping her even when she is upset but I always tell people, if she is ever just that upset, PLEASE come and get me. Emersyn is extremely well rounded and social and isn't the type to cry because she misses us, I just feel in my heart that she was scared. Maybe the other little girl that the worker was holding was crying really hard and that scared her or maybe someone yelled at Emersyn or something. I just know in my heart that something scared my little bug.
We got home and I gave her a bath to get rid of all the germs and then we had lots of snuggles and giggles and she went to bed fine.
Poor girl. :( Poor Mama!
So that is my traumatizing tale. I have friends who take their kids to Bally's and have had great experiences. I, however, will not be taking Emersyn back. If Brett and I want to have a gym date, we will have to plan it around finding a sitter or do it on a day when Emersyn is with her Nana and she can stay for dinner and we can go work out.
Okay, enough of that. Happy Friday!!!