Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today marks the beginning of Lent. I decided to sacrifice sweets last year for Lent and did well. Something food related is always hard for me. I could give up things like Facebook or TV but truth me told, I use FB for many business related things and TV is how I preserve my sanity in the morning and in the evening too with my husband. I don't feel addicted to those things like I sometimes do with food.

This year I am on my program so I am already giving up a lot food wise. However, I am allowed optional *snacks* and sometimes really depend on them to get through the day. I've decided to sacrifice those and use those cravings that come especially during nap time to press in to the Lord and His strength. I am hoping to incorporate giving up sleep too with Lent.....I long to have mornings with the Lord. Working on it. How is it that I could pass out at 5pm and then come 10pm I am wide awake and excited to hang out with my husband?

Are you giving up anything for Lent?

1 comment:

MiMi said...

Pretty sure I am giving up Mini Chocolate Donuts.
A week late, but this will be for a years time.