Friday, March 16, 2012

Five Question Friday

Sheesh, it appears I am turning into a blogger that only does the themed blog posts. My bad! Still though, it's a way for me to interact with grown ups and I'll take it. :)

Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess? Um, if you have ever had an early morning playdate with me (meaning before noon) you know the answer to this question. :) It's funny, on the first day of preschool all the moms and kids were totally put together and stylish. Now at preschool most of us moms have thrown on jeans and a sweatshirt and are doing good just to get our kids dressed and out the door. I will say also that everytime I look my worst while out running errands, I inevitably run into people that I haven't seen in a long time! Or better yet, meet my husband's work colleagues. That's my favorite! ;)

2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it? Umm....only if the book has come highly reccomended. If not, I'll ditch it. My reading time is too precious to waste on a boring book!

3. Beach or mountain vacations? Mountain in the winter, beach in the summer. I love Sunriver but that is more of a getaway. Hawaii is my favorite vacation destination and I'd much rather go there then like Whistler or somewhere in the mountains.

4. What thing/event says "winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you? Easter!

5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation? Oh man, it depends on where we're going! We've never done a real vacation as just a couple....we've gone to the beach, to Seattle, to Vegas a few times...but never like a full on vacation. I dream of going to Hawaii alone with Brett.....I can't really think about it too much though because I black out at the thought of that much time by a pool with no responsibilities. But if we're going to Sunriver, going to the beach, going somewhere that I know my kids will love...I definitely want them to be with me!

Okay, all that vacation talk REALLY makes me want to take a vacation like NOW!

1 comment:

Saturday Sadie said...

Really enjoyed reading your answers this week =) I know exactly what you mean about the declining morning fabulousness as the school year drags on! Guilty too!