Saturday, September 12, 2009

Unsolicited :)

In my previous post, a *friendly* yet anonymous reader decided to tell me what he/she thought of my parenting tactic in regards to flicking Emersyn's hand when she was trying to touch the nightlight. (see post & comment below). At first, I got a little fired up, but then my husband gently reminded me that when you have a public blog with public comments, this can happen. And I do believe that the comment was said in a friendly(ish) way, but I still feel like people can too strongly interject parenting advice when it is unsolicited. Of course if I ever read on a blog that someone thought it was okay to do something that may HARM a child, I might leave a comment with my opinion.

This is an interesting topic for me. Honestly, before I had a daughter of my own, I had rather strong feelings about parenting. I thought that there was definitely a right way and a wrong way to do things, or maybe not even a wrong way per say, maybe just a better way. But since becoming a parent, I have realized that we each have our own instincts, our own intuitions, and that is SO okay. I have read enough books and magazines to consider myself fairly informed. When Emersyn reached for the nightlight for the third time, I decided to gently flick her palm. Guess what? It worked! She wasn't happy about it mind you, but she realized that Mommy meant business and she moved onto other naughty-ness. :) The comment indicated that if I use such tactic's as gently flicking her palm now, what might that lead to in the future as problems increase and escalate? Well, I can't answer that right now honestly. I will have to wait until I get there. I personally was spanked as a child. I don't know how I feel about that method yet. But I do know that Emersyn's punishment fit the *crime*. :) If I had swatted her on the bum, well that wouldn't have done anything. She would have learned nothing (in my opinion). But I did what came naturally to me and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I know that Emersyn is still young. But she knows "no" and she knows "that's not for babies". When she proceeds to do something that might harm her, like play with the nightlight, I am going to tell her that it isn't okay.

By the way, the nightlight has been relocated. :)

Anyways, that is my response to you, Mr/Miss Anonymous. :) No hard feelings!

I have had such a great morning so far!! Brett and I got up early and did some final picking up before the cleaners got here. Brett is in property management so he gets hooked up with amazing cleaners for a really good discounted price, thank you Lord. They are the same gals that cleaned before Emersyn was born. They are upstairs, deep cleaning, while I am enjoying the day. Per my chiropractor, I am not supposed to do any vigorous activity....well, cleaning is pretty vigorous, don't you think? Clearly I feel guilty for being on my laptop while cleaners are upstairs..... :)

Emersyn and I went on a coffee date this morning and then took a walk to a nearby outdoor shopping mall where I took back a shirt and then bought a birthday present for our neighbor's daughter who is turning two! I love the outfit we got her, SO darn cute. I love all that is Gymboree. And I got Emersyn a long sleeved t-shirt that say's "Daddy's Little Pumpkin". Hee hee. I have learned that Daddy will never get mad at me buying anything that says Daddy on it.

Now we are back at home, Emersyn is napping, and I am blogging. Today I have to finish up the laundry and pack. Not too daunting of a list but I know the day will be over before we know it. We leave for the airport at 6:30-6:45am....PRAY FOR US!!!! We are both a little nervous about the flight with Emersyn. :)

My (real life not blogging) friend Sarah posted a hilarious list today about her 11 month old, I felt like I was reading about Emersyn.....those of you with little ones might appreciate it!

I am not sure if I will be blogging or not from Hawaii.....I want to take full advantage of this vacation and enjoy my husband, baby, and my parents! I hope you all have wonderful weeks and I am blessed to consider you all friends!!!

Hawaii, here I come!


Katie said...

Have a great time!!! I still haven't flown with Spencer, so I don't have any advice.

About the flicking, I think that's perfectly fine. I, too was spanked as a child, but I'm pretty sure that's not the way I plan on handling Spencer. Mostly because I preferred a spanking over every other punishment- it was over much faster than a time out or losing a toy, etc. But I think as long as you do what you're comfortable with, what the "crime" warrants, and it doesn't cause any physical harm- you're fine! And I think I'm going to borrow the gentle flick idea :)

I'll be praying for safe travels for ya'll tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

It's a good think I haven't blogged about our parenting techniques or I might get an ear-full :)

LeAnna said...

My goodness, people always have to have a say, don't they? Sheesh. I think you addressed it nicely, I'd of been fired up too. ;) You guys have a GREAT vacay, take lots of beautiful pictures. Got your e-mail today, too and can't wait to write you back. You have no idea how closely you and I will be able to relate on the subject. It brought tears to my eyes reading it because I'm so on the same page it's unreal!!! Anyway, I'll get to that soon. Have a blast!!!

sister sheri said...

Well said, my friend! Okay, argh! I want to write so much here, but I think it best to bite my tongue...

The Lenz Family said...

I recieved an annoying anonymous comment the other day too... regarding a post on recent military fatalities. I ended up just deleting the post, because it bugged me so much. I changed my filter so I now have to approve comments.

Kim said...

Woo,Whoo!!! Have a fantastic time girly!

You so deserve the relaxation!

Can't wait to here all about it once you return! I'll be on FB! :D

Sorry you got a comment on your parenting skills. I haven't recieved any "yet".
Just ignore them, you know what's right in your eyes. I tap my son's hand from time to time bc he is touching something he shouldn't.

My Dr. best told me to just move them away from whatever they are not suppose to touch/be at.
Bc most cases they just want to here your voice and communicate and think it's okay to do so.

Have fun girl! Can't wait to see lots of pics! I'll be praying!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Have fun in Hawaii!!!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

I accidentally ruined my previous blog button. I'm so sorry because the old one is no longer working... but it's fixed now, so you can re-grab it.

Ronnie said...

I remember when my little one was about 10-11 months old...she had a poopy diaper and kept arching her back and trying to flip over as I attempted to change her. I gave her a little smack on her chubby little thigh. Her eyes got very big and she stopped doing what she was doing. One of my friends was appalled and couldn't believe that I'd do such a thing. I don't think there's a thing wrong with that type of discipline when needed. To just means "Mommy means business..." Sounds like you're doing a fabulous job!

Ellie said...

I've been meaning to tell you that I absolutely love the name Emersyn. Its a beautiful and elegant name, and my Madison's middle name is Grace, so of course I love that one too!

Anonymous said...
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Patti said...

To the anonymous commenter: my blog is a place for positive encouragement. While I appreciate your initial desire to convey your feelings about MY parenting and discipline style, you are not welcome to start conversations within my comments attacking other commenters. Either respond to commenters privately, OR keep your comments to yourself. Thanks!