1) Rain rain, go away!! So many of you are all posting about your incredible weather and I think we all know how I feel about that. :) Yesterday it was actually decent out, a high of probably 60ish. Today it was raining and cold. Ems desperately wanted to wear a skirt though so I let her even though her legs were probably chilly. She wears these Crocs just about every day too. :)
2) I've started letting Ems help more around the house. She LOVES it and totally thrives with being appreciated and completing a task. I let her empty the silverware (after I empty all the sharp knives). Does my silverware drawer look a little messy? Yes. But do you see the little girls face up above? Totally worth it. She actually does a good job putting each utensil where it goes, she just doesn't make it all go the same direction. I can live with that.
3) Ems has learned to catch a ball and it's so cute. She would play catch outside for hours if we let her. :) I'm so excited for her to have a little brother to play with.
4) I had SUCH a fun weekend with my little family. It wasn't quite as productive as I would have liked; I still was having ear pain on Saturday and Sunday which lead to headaches so I actually napped both afternoons with Emersyn. It was still fun though, we did some shopping, went to breakfast, and enjoyed each other and the long weekend.
5) Have you ever gotten such a good deal from a retailer that you almost felt kinda guilty about it?? So we went to Lowes on Saturday to order a screen storm door our front door which I'm totally jazzed about. In the store, they only carry the white one. We decided to special order a color that would match the trim of our house, which costs a little bit more but worth it in the long run. Well, we go to the store and the display price for the special order door is $364. Brett quickly looked on my phone and saw that online the door was only $346. The guy that wrote up the invoice honored the online price of $346. On the way to pay for the door, we noticed that in the Lowes ad, the brand and size of door that we ordered was on sale down from $298 to $268. We went to customer service and showed them the ad. They said that the sale price only applied to the white doors in stock (which are usually $298). Being the savvy shopper that I am, I pointed out that this wasn't stated anywhere in the ad. It just said that the size and brand of door that we ordered was on sale, period. I wasn't rude about it at all, just persistent in a friendly way. Guess what? They honored the ad price for our special order door. So they rang up the door, advertised in the store for $364 and they honored the $268 price. Well, then I did what I didn't think I was going to have the courage to do........I gave them my 10% off coupon that I had printed off online. I was almost embarassed but hey, money is money. So we got our door basically marked down from $364 to $242. Thank.You.Lord!!!!! I am 100% certain that He blessed us and we are so excited to enjoy the door and the fresh air and light that it provides!!!!! I'm proud to say that I did the bulk of the negotiating too while Brett chased Ems around the store. :)
6) I failed my one hour glucose test last week. Bummer. I'm taking the three hour tomorrow morning at the wee hour of 8am. Three.Hours.Ugh. The nice thing is, Ems is spending the night at her Nana and Papa's tonight so that I don't have to take her over there at the crack of dawn tomorrow which means that Brett and I can go on a date tonight, whoo hoo! We're just going to dinner, toddler free. *happy sigh* Cross your fingers for the test tomorrow. I'm not actually *too* hopeful since I had GD last time around but I am hoping that if I do have it this time that I can control it without insulin. We'll see.