I cannot believe that today is the last day of March. Three months of the year already gone! Wow! A friend of mine Brianne did a monthly resolution for an entire year in 2010 and has recently jumped back on the bandwagon for 2011. Her post inspired me to write out some goals of my own for April! I feel like I'm finally feeling better, my nausea has decreased though not completely gone, and I really need to get back to feeling like my old self and out of a funk. I feel that now I know that we're having a boy, I can really move forward in planning and reorganizing. Yesterday I spent an hour and a half in Emersyn's room, going through clothes, hanging up clothes (hers were mostly in drawers), etc. and it felt SO good to get SOMETHING done. I need to remind myself, getting a little something done each day will add up.
Here are my April goals:
*Blog daily. I haven't done this in awhile and I find that when I blog daily I am always in search of good content which leads to trying new recipes, etc.
*Do two crafts a week with Emersyn. I know this doesn't sound like much but I am terrible at crafts and I think she would really enjoy them more if I was into them. Plus, it's the month of Easter and it seems like we can find some Easter related crafts that would be fun.
*Wash, fold and put away one load of laundry a day. This may seem silly but if I say it in my blog, I will want to stick with it and I am terrible at laundry.
That's it for now. I know that it isn't much but I feel like I've been walking through a fog for the last three months being pregnant and I'm ready to get back to feeling like ME again.
And I still cannot believe that I'm pregnant with a baby boy. I'm starting to feel him move around more too....mostly still flutters but definitely baby. :)